Correction en OCaml

type 'a arbre = Feuille of 'a | Noeud of 'a arbre * 'a arbre;;

(* Question 2 *)

let nb_occurrences phrase =
  let n = String.length phrase in
  let occ = Array.make 256 0 in
  for i = 0 to n-1 do
    occ.(Char.code phrase.[i]) <- occ.(Char.code phrase.[i]) + 1

(* Question 3 *)

let rec split g d = function
  | [] -> g, d
  | [x] -> x::g, d
  | h :: i :: t -> split (h::g) (i::d) t

let rec merge compare a b = match a, b with
  | [], l | l, [] -> l
  | h :: t, i :: _ when compare h i -> h :: merge compare t b
  | _, h :: t -> h :: merge compare a t

let rec merge_sort compare = function
  | [] -> []
  | [x] -> [x]
  | l -> let g, d = split [] [] l in
    merge compare (merge_sort compare g) (merge_sort compare d)

(* Question 4 *)

let list_of_occ occ =
  let rec list_of_occ i =
    if i >= 256 then []
    else if occ.(i) > 0 then
      (Feuille (Char.chr i), occ.(i)) :: list_of_occ (i+1)
    else list_of_occ (i+1)
  list_of_occ 0

(* Question 5 *)

let compare (_, a) (_, b) = a < b

(* Question 6 *)

let rec insert compare e = function
  | [] -> [e]
  | h :: t when compare h e -> h :: insert compare e t
  | l -> e :: l

let rec arbre_huffman = function
  | [] -> invalid_arg "arbre_huffman"
  | [a, p] -> a
  | (a1, p1) :: (a2, p2) :: t -> arbre_huffman (insert compare (Noeud(a1, a2), p1+p2) t)

(* Question 7 *)

let table_huffman arbre =
  let rec table_huffman chemin acc = function
    | Feuille c -> (c, chemin) :: acc
    | Noeud(a, b) -> table_huffman (chemin^"0") (table_huffman (chemin^"1") acc b) a
  table_huffman "" [] arbre

(* Question 8 *)

let encode phrase =
  let n = String.length phrase in
  let arbre = arbre_huffman (merge_sort compare (list_of_occ (nb_occurrences phrase))) in
  let table = table_huffman arbre in
  let rec encode acc i =
    if i >= n then acc
    else encode (acc^(List.assoc phrase.[i] table)) (i+1)
  encode "" 0, arbre

(* Question 9 *)

let decode message arbre =
  let n = String.length message in
  let rec decode acc i = function
    | Feuille c ->
      if i >= n then acc^(String.make 1 c)
      else decode (acc^(String.make 1 c)) i arbre
    | Noeud(a, b) ->
      if message.[i] = '0' then
        decode acc (i+1) a
      else if message.[i] = '1' then
        decode acc (i+1) b
      else invalid_arg "decode"
  decode "" 0 arbre